Emergency and escape route lighting

The public buildings where we spend more and more of our time must not only be comfortable and modern, but also as safe as possible. Only a properly designed and installed emergency lighting system, complying with strict EU directives and local regulations, can ensure a safe and timely evacuation of people in the event of an emergency, and thus save many lives. For emergency and evacuation lighting, we can offer high quality products from RZB, Beghelli, Eaton, with high efficiency, meeting international standards and all safety requirements.

Evacuation escape route signs

As well as being adequately lit, escape routes must be clearly and intelligibly marked. Even if it is your first time in an unfamiliar environment, observing evacuation signs will help you find your way around and, of course, the nearest exit in an emergency. Although there are strict requirements for direction of egress arrows, there is a product to suit every interior solution.

Contact: info@gaudre.lt

Emergency lighting fixtures

Emergency and evacuation lighting fixtures, with integrated self-contained power supplies or powered by central batteries, are designed for use in emergencies after the work lights have been switched off, and to ensure that people can safely exit buildings in case of danger. One of the most stringent requirements for this type of lighting fixture is that it must provide an adequate level of illumination for escape routes, as required by European Union and local legislation.

Contact: info@gaudre.lt

Emergency and evacuation escape route lighting systems with monitoring function

Emergency and evacuation lighting systems with monitoring function are installed in smaller and medium-sized facilities. This function allows you to carry out periodic check tests of the evacuation system at set times and to identify system faults. The main advantage of the system is that lighting fixture testing and saving of results is automatic, which significantly reduces maintenance costs.

Contact: info@gaudre.lt

Emergency and evacuation escape route lighting systems with a central battery

Escape lighting systems with a central battery are used in facilities with a large number of evacuation lighting fixtures. This system allows to significantly reduce the maintenance costs of the entire system, to identify failures of lighting fixtures or system elements on time, to receive periodic system inspection reports, to centrally control lighting fixtures and to provide different scenarios for evacuation routes.

Contact: info@gaudre.lt

Let's discuss your project

+370 5 279 61 62 info@gaudre.lt